10 steps to High Testosterone guide

I want every man to be the best versions of themselves

Yes the title says it all, I want all you men to be the best versions of yourself.

We live in twisted times, while there is poverty and famine in many places of the world, there are wars and destruction in many.

At the same time we have men in countries that are living in a convenient bubble.

500 years ago every household had men that were either fighting in wars in the military or were working hard in the farms hauling hay stacks and chopping wood with their brute strength.

Some parts of the world still have such men where their family’s survival depends on how hard they work physically.

Today many developed countries are at peace, there are no wars that are fought or famine to deal with.

Food is available in abundance with ultra processed and sugary shit available at every corner of the road.

Men of these countries are suffering their complacency.

Stuck in a vicious circle of making money to compete with each other on who drives a bigger car and who eats more sugary shit.

Testosterone levels have been the lowest for men in today’s generation, especially in developed countries and metro cities.

With absolutely no regard to their fitness or health, these men are suffering their own temptations.

They indulge in junk food, watch TV, get addicted to porn and suffer lack of quality relationships with women.

Ultimately they succumb to drug use to try and fight of their depressed state only to go down the spiral even more.

Testosterone levels have been the lowest for men in today’s generation, especially in developed countries and metro cities.

It’s a sad reality for men.

But is there is a better way? Where does the solution exist?

I believe that every man deserves better in life.

A better income, more respect and a loving relationship with a woman he desires.

Physical excellence translates to excellence at work, in relationships and even business.

These may seem qualities that you take for granted but trust me it takes real work to achieve them.

Men can become the best versions of themselves by embracing their true masculinity.

Physical excellence is a birth right of every man and he should strive to achieve it everyday.

Physical excellence translates to excellence at work, in relationships and even business.

Responsible men create responsible and safe societies, it has always been the way of existence.

So get your shit together and hit those weights in the gym.

Talk soon,
Ankush Katoch

Testosterone is an elixir for men among many other hormones. It’s what keeps you focused, ambitious and makes effort feel good. I am sharing the 10 steps to High Testosterone guide.

The guide is FREE to download

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