Sugar is making you sick
Now you all must have heard that consuming a lot of sugar leads to diabetes. Every other day there are news articles printed on this topic and health experts continue to cover this topic over and over again in their channels. But in this article I want to highlight that
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Sugar is making you sick
Now you all must have heard that consuming a lot of sugar leads to diabetes. Every other day there are news articles printed on this topic and health experts continue to cover this topic over and over again in their channels. But in this article I want to highlight that sugar woes go deeper than just diabetes and many facts that I mention here are either ignored or normalized in

You are not sleeping right
One of the pillars for High testosterone is getting good sleep for men. Sleep in fact is an important component of everyone’s life. If you observe people you would notice that among the two genders women usually need more sleep and for good reason. They have many biological functions that occur in their bodies and sleep helps that calibrate efficiently including the period cycle. Most of us today are not

Being slim does not mean being fit
We live in the 21st century with most of the population today being educated. Some are lawyers, IT professionals while many are factory workers and business owners. With education one would presume that people are well aware of what is termed as a fit body and what is not. But sadly this is not true. Many educated people are still oblivious to the fact on what is real fitness. One

5 Signs of Low Testosterone in Men
Our hormones determine both our physiological state and mental state of being. Different hormones produced by the body has different functions. Insulin is triggered when food is consumed to digest the food. A sudden surge of strength and urgency is achieved when adrenaline kicks in the body. It’s adrenaline that makes you run for your life when a dog is chasing you. Similarly Testosterone in men is responsible for proper

Get rid of your man boobs – what the hell
One in ten men I see today has man boobs. Not only does man boobs look hideous on men, they are a sign of an serious underlying condition which many men are ignorant of. Men with man boobs constantly live in insecurity and hide their chest by wearing lose shirts. So what causes man boobs? Man boobs occur in men when their testosterone is low and the estrogen level in

Food companies are lying to you
The 21st century has offered a plethora of products in the market. The food industry has evolved to such an extent today that one ingredient of food is sold by 10 companies with different names and different byproducts in them. It has become harder in today’s day and age to determine which of these food items are actually reliable. Moreover the common man today is busy with his work and