10 steps to High Testosterone guide

Importance of Testosterone for men

I have spoken about Testosterone immensely in my videos.

It’s important to understand why this hormone in men is considered an elixir.

Let’s understand what Testosterone is on the first place.

It’s a hormone that is present in both men and women but it is predominantly higher in men.

Testosterone is responsible for the bigger muscles that men have, the thicker voice, facial hair, production of sperm and many other physical processes.

It is also required to keep your sexual performance up in the bedroom.

This hormone is what separates a man from a woman. Women have higher estrogen levels which gives them a slender figure and voice.

So how is Testosterone measured?

A blood test will show the presence of this hormone and it’s calculated in nanogram per decilitre (ng/dl )

A healthy range is considered anything between 450—600 ng/dl

T- levels peak in late teenagers and may even reach 1200 ng/dl depending on your genetics and activity levels.

T-levels have been dropping in Men since the last 100 years and research is showing that men these days produce 30% less Testosterone than they used to a 100 years ago.

This basically means that your grandfather had higher T-levels at your age during his time.

The question is why are T-levels dropping? and what happens if the T-levels stay low consistently?

T-levels are dropping due to sedentary lifestyle, estrogen increasing substances and food.

Junk food that is highly processed has a direct co-relation with increasing estrogen in the body.

Similarly Phthalates present in aromatic soaps, shampoos and perfumes add further to the woes of low T.

Men who continuously feed on junk food and wear perfume are dooming themselves with low T-levels.

They may not realize it until it starts affecting their personal lives.

These men have no energy to exercise or socialize, they are meek and shy, they would rather sit and play video games instead of hit the gym or play a sport.

Low T-level makes a man lazy, sleepy and fat. The zeal from his life will slowly be lost and he will find himself addicted to instant gratification like porn and sugary drinks.

Poor performance in the bedroom is one the biggest let down of low T.

It’s a vicious circle to get into and it’s even harder to come out of it.

So what can be done to increase T-levels naturally?

First and foremost is to cut our junk food and eat real food.

The second step would be to get out in the sun and exercise.

Weight lifting 3 times per week has a massive impact in spiking your T-levels naturally.

Consuming healthy fats like cheese, salmon, butter and animal fat helps in boosting T-levels.

Stop the application of perfume everyday and keep it very occasional.

Excessive Alcohol does no good as you will be hungover with low energy all the time.


Talk soon

Ankush Katoch

Testosterone is an elixir for men among many other hormones. It’s what keeps you focused, ambitious and makes effort feel good. I am sharing the 10 steps to High Testosterone guide.

The guide is FREE to download

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